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40l 低温和高温巴氏杀菌机/牛奶巴氏杀菌机/带制冷的牛奶杀菌机

价格: $3550/单位
大小: 120*60*120厘米
包装尺寸: 130*70*140厘米
权力: 3.2千瓦
电压: 220V/380V
制冷剂: R290a系列,R410a型,R404a型
不适用: 160公斤
总毛: 180公斤
Sterilization Temperature:
保修后服务: 在线支持

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Milk pasteurization machine is a kind of equipment that can sterilize all kinds of packaged or canned food, which is conducive to the health of consumers and can extend the shelf life or storage period of food.

Milk pasteurization machine is currently the most ideal, one of the most effective milk sterilization equipment, it uses high-qu


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tainless steel processing and manufacturing, can all kinds of packaging or canned food in the sterilization tank to control the water temperature between 85° ~ 90°, can play a sterilization effect, but also to ensure that protein and other nutrients are not fluctuate within the larger temperature range and change. Maintain the original quality, taste, color, etc., to achieve the food without any preservatives, is conducive to the health of consumers, especially can extend the shelf life and storage period.

pasteurised milk, also known as pasteurised milk or market milk, is fresh milk processed by pasteurisation. Generally, the shelf life is short, but most of the nutrition and taste are preserved.

It is based on fresh milk as raw materials, pasteurized milk processing, characterized by the use of 72℃-85℃ constant temperature sterilization within the specified time, while killing the harmful bacteria in the milk, intact nutrients and pure taste. After centrifugation, standardization, homogenization, sterilization and cooling, in a liquid state of irrigation, directly to consumers drinking milk.



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